Introducing the Replica Gucci Dionysus Small GG Shoulder Bag 400249 in a compact size of 11 inches in width, 7 inches in height, and 3.5 inches in depth. This structured bag features the iconic GG Supreme canvas and is adorned with a striking textured tiger head closure, which pays homage to the Greek god Dionysus. According to myth, Dionysus crossed the river Tigris on a tiger sent to him by Zeus. The bag also comes with a versatile sliding chain strap that can be worn in different ways, allowing you to switch between a shoulder bag and a top handle bag.
The bag’s dimensions are 28 x 18 x 9 cm, providing ample space for your belongings. It is made from beige/ebony GG Supreme canvas, a material that has a low environmental impact, along with black suede detail. The hardware is in an antique silver-tone, adding a touch of sophistication to the bag.
Other notable features of the Replica Gucci Dionysus Small GG Shoulder Bag include a pin closure with side release, as well as a hand-painted edges for a refined finish. The bag also boasts an interior zippered compartment and an open pocket under the flap, ensuring convenient organization. The double gussets offer additional storage space.
The sliding chain strap can be adjusted to be worn as a shoulder strap with a 15-inch drop or as a top handle with an 8.5-inch drop. The bag’s interior is lined with suede and GG Supreme canvas, which also extends to the pockets.
In summary, the Replica Gucci Dionysus Small GG Shoulder Bag 400249 combines timeless design with practical functionality. Its unique tiger head closure and GG Supreme canvas make it a statement piece that will elevate any outfit. Whether you choose to wear it as a shoulder bag or a top handle bag, this versatile accessory is a must-have for fashion enthusiasts.
Replica Gucci Dionysus Small Gg Shoulder Bag 400249
$682.00 Original price was: $682.00.$295.00Current price is: $295.00.
The Replica Gucci Dionysus Small GG Shoulder Bag is a structured canvas bag with a unique tiger head closure, featuring a sliding chain strap that can be worn multiple ways.
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