Introducing the Gucci Interlocking Gg Clasp Convertible Bag 510302, an exquisite replica that rivals the original. This bag is crafted with precision, measuring 10.5x 7.5x 3.5 inches (26cm at the bottom and 22cm at the top) and made from luxurious textured black calf leather.
The standout feature of this bag is its golden interlocking GG snap hardware, adding a touch of sophistication and elegance to the overall design. It comes with a detachable golden leather and chain strap, providing versatility with a drop length of 17.5 inches.
For those who prefer a more classic approach, the top handle allows for easy hand carry. The bag is fully lined with a premium interior, featuring two open compartments and a convenient slip pocket. Additionally, a wall zip compartment ensures the safekeeping of your essentials.
To ensure durability, the bag is equipped with protective feet, preventing any damage to the exterior. The interior includes a ‘Gucci’ leather tab and a serial number for authenticity.
Made from genuine imported cowhide leather, the craftsmanship of this replica Gucci bag is exceptional. It captures the essence of the original design, making it a must-have accessory for any fashion enthusiast.
Replica Gucci Interlocking Gg Clasp Convertible Bag 510302
$706.00 Original price was: $706.00.$315.00Current price is: $315.00.
Replica Gucci Interlocking Gg Clasp Convertible Bag 510302 – A stylish and versatile black leather bag with golden interlocking GG hardware, detachable leather and chain strap, and multiple compartments for all your essentials.
SKU: BAG2779
Category: Gucci
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