Introducing the stunning Replica Gucci Padlock Gucci Signature Medium Shoulder Bag 479197. This medium-sized bag measures 13.5 inches in width, 9 inches in height, and 6.6 inches in depth.
This shoulder bag features a structured design and is secured with a key lock closure, inspired by vintage Gucci designs. The key is conveniently placed in a detachable leather key case, ensuring both style and security. The bag is crafted from soft Gucci Signature leather, which is debossed with a distinct print and boasts a firm texture. This version of Gucci Signature leather offers a softer construction for added comfort.
The bag comes in a sleek size of 35 x 23.5 x 14 cm, making it perfect for everyday use. It is adorned with black Gucci Signature soft leather and boasts black leather trim, providing a sophisticated and timeless look. The shiny gold-toned hardware adds a touch of luxury to the overall design.
Inside the bag, you’ll find an interior zipper pocket and two smartphone pockets, allowing for convenient organization of your essentials. The double chain shoulder straps have a 9.5-inch drop, providing a comfortable and stylish way to carry the bag. The lock closure adds an element of elegance and security.
The microfiber lining of the bag features a suede-like finish, adding a luxurious touch to the interior. It is clear that Gucci has put careful thought into every detail of this Padlock bag, ensuring both style and functionality.
This Replica Gucci Padlock Gucci Signature Medium Shoulder Bag 479197 is undoubtedly a standout piece from the Gucci collection. It embodies the brand’s iconic style and attention to detail, making it a must-have for any fashion-forward individual. Whether you’re running errands or attending a special event, this bag will elevate your look and provide a touch of sophistication. So, why wait? Treat yourself to this exquisite Gucci bag today.
Replica Gucci Padlock Gucci Signature Medium Shoulder Bag 479197
$706.00 Original price was: $706.00.$315.00Current price is: $315.00.
The Replica Gucci Padlock Gucci Signature Medium Shoulder Bag is a structured shoulder bag made from soft Gucci Signature leather with a key lock closure and detachable leather key case.
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