Introducing the stylish Replica Gucci Padlock Small GG Shoulder Bag 432182 in black. This small-sized bag measures 8 inches in width, 5 inches in height, and 3 inches in depth.
Inspired by vintage designs, this bag features a key lock closure, with the key conveniently placed in a leather key case. The GG Supreme canvas used in its construction is made from a coated microfiber fabric with the signature GG motif. The bag also boasts an abstract design made from a soft, shiny metallic leather with black leather edges.
Measuring 20 x 15.5 x 5 cm, this bag is compact yet spacious. The beige/ebony GG Supreme canvas used is a material chosen for its low environmental impact, making it a sustainable choice. The black leather with metallic gold edges adds a touch of luxury.
Inside the bag, you’ll find an open pocket for easy organization of your belongings. The bag also features a side gusset, allowing for extra storage space when needed. The sliding chain strap can be worn as a shoulder strap with a 20-inch drop or converted into a top handle with an 11-inch drop, providing versatility in style.
Keeping your belongings secure is a lock closure, adding an element of sophistication to the bag. The microfiber lining with a suede-like finish adds a luxurious touch to the interior.
In conclusion, the Replica Gucci Padlock Small GG Shoulder Bag 432182 in black is a must-have accessory for fashion-forward individuals. Whether you’re going for a casual or formal look, this bag is sure to elevate your style.
Replica Gucci Padlock Small Gg Shoulder Bag 432182 Black
$670.00 Original price was: $670.00.$285.00Current price is: $285.00.
Replica Gucci Padlock Small GG Shoulder Bag 432182 Black: A small structured chain shoulder bag with a key lock closure, crafted from GG Supreme canvas and metallic leather edges.
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