Introducing the fabulous Replica Saint Laurent Medium Bellechasse Schoolbag 482051, the perfect accessory to elevate your style. This bag comes in a size of 22 x 16 x 9 cm, making it a compact and practical choice.
Crafted from high-quality calfskin leather, this flap front bag boasts durability and luxurious charm. It features a top handle and a removable, adjustable shoulder strap, giving you the option to wear it crossbody or on the shoulder, according to your preference.
The interior of the bag is lined with soft suede, adding a touch of sophistication. It also comes with a slot pocket under the flap and an additional interior slot pocket for easy organization of your belongings. The Saint Laurent signature engraved push-in closure and brushed silver-toned hardware add a glamorous and trendy touch to the overall design.
With a handle drop of 2.5cm and a strap drop of 54cm, this bag offers versatility in carrying options. Whether you want to carry it by hand or sling it over your shoulder, you can effortlessly rock this bag with any outfit.
Be fashion-forward with this YSL masterpiece, the Replica Saint Laurent Medium Bellechasse Schoolbag 482051. Make a statement and capture attention wherever you go.
Replica Saint Laurent Medium Bellechasse Schoolbag 482051
$742.00 Original price was: $742.00.$339.00Current price is: $339.00.
The Replica Saint Laurent Medium Bellechasse Schoolbag is a calfskin leather bag with a flap front, top handle, and removable shoulder strap, featuring the signature Saint Laurent engraved push-in closure and a suede lining.
SKU: BAG2436
Category: YSL
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