Tag Archives: Diy tips

Diy tips how to darken fake louis vuitton leather easily

To darken fake louis vuitton leather, you will need fake louis vuitton leather, Leather Studio Acrylic Paint (black), rags/paper towels, a paint brush/sponge (optional), acetone (or nail polish remover), and a dropcloth or something to protect the surface you are working on.

Start by prepping the area with a dropcloth and wiping down the item with soapy water to remove any dirt or grime before painting. If there are any areas you don’t want to accidentally paint, be sure to tape those sections off.

Add a small amount of leather paint to a plate or paint palette. Then add a few drops of water or acetone to the paint which will help thin it out even more (optional). Dip a rag, brush, or paper towel into the paint and then wipe it onto the surface of the item you want to darken. Wait 10-20 seconds and then wipe the entire surface with a clean rag or paper towels. This is where you may want to play around with it. You can wipe it off immediately, or wait even longer. The longer it sits, the darker it will be because it will absorb the paint more. Remember it’s easier to add more paint then take some away.

Wait 15 minutes for the section to dry, then repeat as necessary. If you accidentally add too much paint, you can remove it with acetone. Acetone can also remove some of the shininess in fake leather. This stuff is filled with chemicals and smelly so be sure to open windows if you’re doing this indoors.

While there are various methods to darken fake louis vuitton leather, using leather acrylic paint is an easy and effective way to achieve the desired look. However, it’s important to note that this method can be used on any fake louis vuitton leather item, but it’s at your own risk. It’s recommended to test on a small or inconspicuous area first.