Introducing the Replica Gucci The Hacker Project Small Hourglass Bag, a unique creation that explores the concepts of authenticity and appropriation in the fashion industry. Designed by Alessandro Michele for the Gucci Aria collection, this bag infuses iconic Balenciaga silhouettes with Gucci codes, presenting a one-of-a-kind piece.
The Hourglass bag is given a fresh twist, reimagined in beige and ebony GG Supreme canvas, a material chosen for its low environmental impact. Antique gold-toned hardware adds a touch of luxury to the design, while the inclusion of The Hacker Project logo pays homage to the collaborative nature of the collection. The bag also features a Balenciaga ‘B’ charm, adding an extra element of exclusivity.
In terms of functionality, the bag offers both style and practicality. Inside, you’ll find a convenient zip pocket, perfect for keeping your essentials organized. On the outside, there is an open pocket on the back for easy access to your belongings. The bag can be carried by the handle with a 10cm drop, or you can opt for the detachable strap with a 56cm drop for a versatile hands-free option.
Measuring a petite size of W22.5cm x H14.5cm x D10cm, this bag is made in Italy with impeccable craftsmanship. As a limited edition piece, there is a maximum of one style per purchase, ensuring its exclusivity and rarity.
In the realm of women’s bags, the Replica Gucci The Hacker Project Small Hourglass Bag stands out in the Shoulder Bags category. Made with Gucci’s signature Supreme canvas and infused with Balenciaga influences, it offers a unique and fashion-forward statement for those who appreciate both style and innovation.
Replica Gucci The Hacker Project Small Hourglass Bag
$759.00 Original price was: $759.00.$209.00Current price is: $209.00.
The Replica Gucci The Hacker Project Small Hourglass Bag is a limited edition design that combines Gucci’s iconic codes with Balenciaga silhouettes, featuring GG Supreme canvas and antique gold-toned hardware.
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